BC Hydro’s Bridge Coastal Fish and Wildlife

by | Feb 28, 2012 | 2012, Media/News, Projects

Since the program’s inception in 1999, has funded $3.8 million in projects on the Campbell River System. For 2009, BCRP’s total funding for the 15 hydroelectric systems within the Coastal Region was $1.3 million.

BC Hydro’s Bridge Coastal Fish and Wildlife Compensation Program is pleased to announce $382,000 in funding towards seven fish projects in the Campbell River System Hydroelectric Facilities

The projects include:

Campbell River Spawning Gravel Placement Construction, led by the Campbell River Salmon Foundation
Campbell River Elk Falls #3 Monitoring, led by the Campbell River Salmon Foundation
Salmon River Bigtree Side Channel Performance Monitoring, led by the BC Conservative Foundation
Salmon River Nutrient Enrichment for Fish Habitat
Salmon River Adult Fishway Assessment Study, led by the Campbell River Salmon Foundation
Quinsam River Cascades Fish Passage-Downstream Assessment, led by the Campbell River Salmon Foundation
Second Island Bank Re-contouring Project